Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Archival Work Completed on the Second Specimens

In honor of hump day for the week, it is my honor to present the second batch of parchments from the hallowed framing counter. It is my hope the laughs obtained from these classics will bear you up for the remainder of the week until more postings are made. Without further delay, here they are:

Specimen 4- The Hair Shall Set You Free...or Chase You Down (est. 1997)

This is the official piece that started it all at the framing counter. Originally all the framing counter held was this "hair" hovering above the now bald head of Our Follicularly Challenged Friend along with a few choice captions. As I recall, one said "Pucker up Buttercup!" In addition to the piece itself, I inserted one of the original captions. Chances are you'll know which song I enhanced the lyrics to when you read it.

Specimen 5- Products for the Millennium (when the time comes...)

In honor of the many Book of Mormon based toys and countless clothing items being added to our store inventory, I had an idea for products which will be sold during the Millennium. The line of T-Shirts, available from Millennial Designs (a wholly-owned subsidiary of SinbolArts), is destined to be the fashion rage. I think in light of inflation which will likely occur between now and then the stated prices on the original brochure may need to be adjusted by a few billion dollars. Then again, maybe in the Millennium we won't have inflation- maybe that is what will help the lamb lie down next to the lion and for dogs and cats to live together- "Mass hysteria!" (Dr. Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters). Also, in honor of the scripture which mentioned a child playing on a cockatrice's den and not being harmed, I also thought a playground style setup cockatrice den might be fun for the kids to enjoy here and now (cockatrices sold separately).

Specimen 6- Exciting New Music! (circa 1997)
Before I was known for loving our Follicularly Challenged Friend, I was first known for my loathing a special family who sang about a Fortress of Love. In a particular twist of irony, I was privileged to personally set things up for this family when they came to the store for a signing/lip-sync session on Conference Saturday. I was quoting D&C 122:7 in my head the whole time, I can assure you of that. In honor of their first album, someone wondered aloud what their second album might be called. What do you get after the Fortress of Love? The answer came quickly- a Great and Spacious Building! The cover for the 2nd album is more or less a copy of the first, with the whole family sitting playing footsie again, but this time wearing their fine linens and gold. I think I see a Calvin Klein logo parody "Covenant Keeper" T-shirt in there as well as a "Self-Righteous" 49ers logo parody T-shirt in there too. Of course, who can forget that they met the Pope! If anything from the counter condemns me at the last day, it will probably be this drawing.

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